Finally, I've had time to write! [above is "Walking in the Woods"- made with pen and prisma color pencils]
Sorry it has been a while since I last wrote, my final exams have kept me from my computer.
Honestly, before my exams, I had never tried coffee, but lack of sleep began to add up (over the course of several days) so I decided to "Man Up" and try it. Gone are the days when my dad used bottles of coke and bags of M&M's! I am loyally sticking by my new friend Coffee, and so far we are hitting it off so well that a special shelf in my pantry is reserved for it. SO, after much prayer, and many cups of coffee later here are the results of my classes for this semester!
Math= A-
Environmental Biology= A
Political Science= B-
Communications= A
Macro Economics= A+
Oh dear reader, I cannot accurately express how thankful I am at this moment! My feelings are overflowing! I literally broke down in tears after seeing my grades. This means I can finally go to [insert a more prestigious school than original], after I was accepted this Spring. After all the tribulations, the pain, and the tears, G-d has blessed me with this wonderful gift, and has helped me through the valley.
Faithfulness, like the violet, He has pruned me and planted me in good soil, and now I feel I have blossomed under His hand. It's like I have finally gasped real air, after being under so long --- everything is clearer now, and I see I must have faith that He will open doors for me in good time.
Reader, I pray that you will also keep faith in whatever troubles you, and "Be Still and Know that He is G-d". For truly, He loves you so, and wants you to succeed in His name.
To my kind commenter --> not sure if you were able to read this. I want to thank you so much for your encouraging words and tell you that "Yes" lol I did pass my driver's test. Haha I was nervous for no reason, it turned out to be easier than I expected and I passed the first time! Thank you for asking, it's nice to know someone is listening.